Anikka Forbes

Jan 10, 20192 min

1st Swimming Lesson | Sharon’s 40th Party

Sat 10th Jan '2009

Me, Mum and Lewis got up at 7am and got sorted for making our way to meet and Shannon. We got to the school at about 08:20am and got dressed into our swimming costumes.

It felt so weird being back in a swimming baths after 15yrs+ but once I got in the water... I didn’t want to come out.

Our teacher is lovely and were so lucky as we have our own little group which is me, mum,, aunty pet and Cuzie Dom. Then the younger's being my little brother Lewis and Cuzie Shannon... have their lessons after us.

The 30mins we have for our lessons... just isn’t long enough and I can’t wait to go back next week.

After our swimming lesson I quickly popped into Iceland (supermarket) before jumping on a bus with aunt. Pet to Honar Oak, where I had to wait an hour for a train due to missing the previous one. I was ice-cold by the time I got home, I unpacked my few bits then jumped into the shower and then straight into bed to relax.

My stomach started playing up (nothing new) cramps and ended up staying in bed for the rest of the day and night. Before I knew it, I’d fallen asleep and it was now 8pm and I was not in the mood to go back to Catford to attend Sharon’s 40th... so didn’t bother.

I had send me a text saying;

I’ve just had a phone call from Karl (Kim’s bro) asking

what is going on with us and Kim!!!

I was shocked as was but she told him what she had to say and left it there.



©Nicky Diaries (up, close and personal) #nickydiaries2009 by @AnikkaForbes

#nickydiaries #nickydiaries2009 #swimming #lessons #party #writer #anikkaforbes #catford #southeastlondon #text #10yearchallenge
