The #MeToo movement matters. And it has only just begun. Today I stand up for those who have spoken out.
I 💯 support the #metoo movement... even more so having had my own experience 😡 back in ‘2009 working within the construction industry with a TOP well known company!!!
My #nickydiaries2009 blog has all the info... of my ordeal, stress, tears, unfair dismissal and disgust from this man!
Who took his position to ‘end my contract’ because I no longer wanted to talk, speak... let alone work along side this ARSE-Hole 🤬
I have all the evidence or text, emails and his incident, out of order photo... of his ⁉️
“What happens in the Dark... ALWAYS comes to LIGHT”
So Mr Baker.... if u thought that my #metoo experience with you had been buried, ur mistaken!!!