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3rd Swimming Session | Took Jeyda 4 Auditioned | Got Gold Out of Pawn Shop

Sat 24th Jan ‘2009:

Up again at 7am and we all set out at 07:50am

We got to St Dunstan and got undressed into our swimwear then got straight into the pool. I got into the water and got straight on with my swimming. At first, I swam with 1 float on my front and back... which I really enjoyed! Then (out of the blue) my instructor asked me if I would like to try and swim on my own without any floats. 😁

I thought I’d be nervous, but I wasn’t!

I felt confident and went for it... couldn’t believe it I had done it, stopped to catch my breath and when I looked back, I was half way across the pool (5 meters). I was over the moon and so was my instructor... she seemed shocked and said to me;

You must be the fastest learner I have taught to swim... well done!

My only problem is my breathing technique which I need to get better at controlling, other than that “I Can Swim” ... yer!!! 👏

Me and Jeyda headed straight for her audition in Elephant and Castle. We were 45mins late, but she got seen and done well in her audition. Callie (producer) told Jeyda that even if she doesn’t make the ‘lead’ role... she will defiantly have a part as an extra with some dialogue as one of the pupils in the classroom.

Plus, she’ll also receive a copy of the film and an invite to any screenings. I checked my email after 6pm and there was 1 from Callie offering J a role as an extra... great news.

I spoke briefly to Remi, via msn (for the last time). 😒

Tamer also contacted me via text asking for ‘1 more chance’... but I declined!!! 😒

Spent a few hours down @Tasha’s till 1am.


©Nicky Diaries (up, close and personal) #nickydiaries2009 by @AnikkaForbes

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